Education Days

STEM Career Connections®

Site Visit Days

Annual Edward Teller Lecture

Other Activities

Education Activities Throughout the Year

Community Activities Throughout the Year

Local Scholarship & Training Opportunities

Come Explore Nuclear Science!

Nuclear Science Week is an international, broadly observed week-long celebration that focuses on all aspects of nuclear science. As we journey through the months of October and beyond, local events will offer abundant learning opportunities related to contributions, innovation, and exciting careers within the field of nuclear science, alongside science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

#nuclearsciweek @nuclearsciweek

SRS Community Reuse Organization and its affiliated Nuclear Workforce Initiative® are collaborating with local organizations to conduct activities designed to encourage and bring awareness of nuclear technology and the many careers available within nuclear technology and other high-tech industries.

Click here to see the 2024 NSW Regional Event Flyer


Education Days

Events are designed to inspire, educate, and engage participants of all ages. Whether you’re a student, educator, or lifelong learner, there’s something for everyone. Uncover new passions and interests – Acquire valuable knowledge and skills – Join in interactive activities and discussions – Participate in hands-on sessions across various subjects – Gain insights from industry experts and educators – Connect with peers, educators, and professionals.

Ruth Patrick Science Education Center 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
October 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2024

Ruth Patrick Science Education Center – University of South Carolina Aiken
427 Scholar Loop, Aiken, SC 29801

The Ruth Patrick Science Education Center is a cooperative effort between University of South Carolina Aiken, business, industry, and Central Savannah River Area schools. Its student programs challenge the present and inspire the future to effect systemic change in science and mathematics education. Its hands-on approach to teaching is designed to help people experience the beauty, order, and power of science and mathematics, as well as the interest and fun of discovery.

For middle and high school students.

Programs Offered: (Click here for full description)

* Center of the Atom (An Investigation of Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Elements, and Isotopes)
* Coral Reef Cleanup
* Cosmic Colors
* Do You See, What I See?
* Dodo Does Math
* Energy Transformations
* Habitat Earth
* Magic Treehouse Space Mission (Planetarium)
* Magnets and Motions
* Mars Math Expedition
* Meet the Elements
* One World, One Sky
* Rover Rescue
* Push Me, Pull Me
* Seven Wonders
* Staying Alive!
* Sun and Shadows
* The Weather
* Weather and Climate
* What’s the Matter?

The 2024-2025 reservation deadline for a field trip is May 3, 2024, at 5 p.m. However, still accepting registration forms after this date, but will be placed on a waiting list. Click here for reservation request forms.

For more information contact Dr. Gary Senn at 

Science Education Enrichment Day STEM Fest 

Saturday, October 26, 2024
10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Ruth Patrick Science Education Center, USC Aiken
427 Scholar Loop, Aiken, SC 29801

Imagine getting up close with honeybees, petting an alligator, learning how to make a rain garden, investigating a carnivorous plant, driving a championship robot, or virtually traveling through outer space. Guests will be able to do just that at SEED.

The event will celebrate innovations in the areas of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). Student groups, regional corporations, museums, professional organizations, government agencies, educators, and national labs will join forces to create and present engaging hands-on activities for guests of all ages.

We plan this event each year to give young learners up close and personal interaction with real-world scientists, engineers, and other technical professionals. The goal is to increase awareness of the role STEM plays in society and that it can also be fun. We recognize that as a society we must continue to excite and engage families about STEM fields.

Click here for more information.

Aiken Technical College 

2276 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Graniteville, SC 29829

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 (CANCELLED)
Radiation Protection Technology Demonstration 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 
Nuclear career information session and Workforce Opportunities in Regional Careers (WORC) program information session.

12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Aiken Technical College, Learning Commons

Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Community Job Fair

10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Aiken Technical College, Student Activities Center (Building B) Gymnasium
Click here for list of employers. 

Augusta Technical College 

3200 Augusta Tech Drive, Augusta, GA 30906

Thursday, September 12, 2024
Dave Olson, President of Savannah River Mission Completion will speak with Augusta Technical College nuclear program students.

Thursday, October 17, 2024 (POSTPONED) 
Career Expo & Seminar

The Month of October 2024 (POSTPONED)
Podcast Topics:
* Introduction to Nuclear Science
* Nuclear Engineering & Sustainability
* Medical Applications
* Innovations & Research
* Space Exploration

University of South Carolina Salkehatchie

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
October 21, 22, 23, 24, 2024

465 James Brandt Blvd, Allendale, SC 29810
807 Hampton St. Walterboro, SC 29488

There will be many nuclear energy activities involving K-12 schools that will focus on educational tools and resources activities in Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Colleton and Hampton Counties of South Carolina.

* How small is an atom activity.
* Light up your world mission fission challenge splitting atoms interactive game.
* Nuclear energy jeopardy game for high school students and USC Salkehatchie campus chemistry classes.
* Share video episodes with STEM teachers on nuclear exploration and global leadership, free energy and transformative healthcare, and innovation and technology + nuclear science museum.
* Get on the Bus Savannah River Site virtual tour video shared with USC Salkehatchie professors and grades 8-12 STEM classes on critical skills, and Minority Serving Institutions Partnership Program.
* A site visit to Southern Nuclear Plant Vogtle for middle and high school students.

USC Salkehatchie STEM has many lessons with Meta Quest 3 Virtual Reality Arbor XR educational apps, LEGO robotics, Snap Circuits, and Moly Mods. Do not hesitate to sign up for available calendar dates using this JotForm! Please request dates with a two-week notice. 

For more information contact Tracy Beach at

Augusta University

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 (POSTPONED)
8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Augusta University – Health Sciences Building

The Augusta University Society of Nuclear Scholar group will set up an information table in the lobby of the sciences classroom building on the health sciences campus. The table will have information about careers, curriculum and applications of nuclear science, along with some cool demos.

Click here to learn more about the Augusta University Nuclear Science Program.

STEM Like a Girl
(Introduce a Girl to Engineering & Information Technology)

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Ruth Patrick Science Education Center, University of South Carolina Aiken
427 Scholar Loop, Aiken, SC 29801
8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Invitation only event!

Presented by Savannah River Nuclear Solutions Education Outreach Programs.

The ” STEM Like a Girl – Introduce a Girl to Engineering & Information Technology” event will give 8th grade girls an opportunity to get excited about engineering and other science, technology, engineering & mathematics (STEM) careers. Volunteers from Savannah River Site that come from engineering, information technology, and other STEM fields will be facilitating the various activities with the girls.

Classroom Blitz 
October 2024 (Also, available throughout the year)

The Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA) and the local section of the American Nuclear Society (ANS-SR) jointly conduct a weeklong “blitz” into area high schools that is held in conjunction with Nuclear Science Week. 

Each year more than 1,200 students are impacted! The classroom lesson includes an overview of nuclear fundamentals, applications and career opportunities partnered with hands-on demonstrations.

There are many demonstrations and activities used during the classroom blitz, others are available for teach-ins. CNTA also has demonstrations/activities not included in this list here.

Please contact CNTA at to have members come to your classroom.

Classroom Teach-Ins 
October 2024 (Also, available throughout the year)

Need a subject matter expert to help in your classroom? The Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA) has speakers available that can come to your classroom to discuss atomic and nuclear fundamentals, nuclear energy, nuclear technologies and applications, careers in nuclear, and a wide range of other topics. Hands-on demonstrations and activities are conducted.

Please contact CNTA at to have members come to your classroom to teach.

Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Outreach Program 

The programs listed below are private events:

Monday, October 7, 2024
Ecology Quest
Kelly Edwards Elementary School – Williston, SC

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
EcoTalk (2 different sessions)
Augusta University, Biology 1102 – Augusta, GA

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Ecology Quest
Oakwood Windsor Elementary School – Aiken, SC

Wednesday, October 16. 2024
Augusta University, Biology 1102 – Augusta, GA

Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Ecology Quest
Macedonia Elementary & Middle School – Blackville, SC

Thursday, October 17, 2024
EcoTalk (2 different sessions)
Augusta University, Biology 1102 – Augusta, GA

Friday, October 18, 2024
Ecologist for a Day
Hammond Hill Elementary School – North Augusta, SC

Monday, October 21, 2024
Lamar-Milledge Elementary School – Augusta, GA

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Grace United Methodist Church – North Augusta, SC

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Ecology Quest
Kelly Edwards Elementary School – Williston, SC

Thursday, October 24, 2024
Ecology Quest
McBean Elementary School – Hephzibah, GA

Friday, October 25, 2024
Johnston-Edgefield-Trenton Middle School – Johnston, SC

Monday, October 28, 2024
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions New Employee Tour
SREL Complex Area – Aiken SC

Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Ecology Quest
Oakwood Windsor Elementary School – Aiken, SC

Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Ecologist for a Day – SREL Conference Center
Hammond Hill Elementary School – North Augusta, SC

Friday, November 1, 2024
Ecologist for a Day – SREL Conference Center
Hammond Hill Elementary School – North Augusta, SC

The programs listed below are available throughout the year.

Discover the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) Outreach Program: Connecting Community and Ecology.

At the SREL, our Outreach Program is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of ecology and environmental sciences among communities and schools.

All Programs Feature Live Plants and Animals.

At the heart of our outreach efforts are live demonstrations with plants and animals, offering an up-close and personal experience with nature. These interactions emphasize the importance of biodiversity and the role each organism plays in our ecosystems.

For Schools, Informal Learning Groups, and Homeschooling Families: Interested in hosting an Ecotalk or visiting SREL Conference Center for the Ecologist for a Day program? Click on the program listed below to learn more.

Special Events: Want SREL at your event? Check out our special event requirements by clicking on the program listed below.

Ecotalks: Bringing Ecology to Your Doorstep
What We Offer: Our outreach staff visits community centers, schools, and public venues, delivering engaging talks on various ecology and environmental science topics.
Experience: Engage in lively discussions and interactive sessions that illuminate the importance of ecological research and environmental stewardship.

Ecologist for a Day: Hands-On Field Experience
Program Overview: Tailored for school-aged children ages 6 years old on up, this field program offers a unique opportunity to step into the shoes of an ecologist.
Activities: Participants engage in real-world ecological studies, experiencing firsthand the work that goes into understanding and preserving our natural world.

Exhibits: Bringing Nature Closer
Event Participation: SREL attends special events, showcasing live plants and animals to educate and inspire the community about local ecosystems.
Interactive Learning: Our exhibits provide a hands-on learning experience, helping attendees connect with nature and understand the significance of environmental conservation.

Teacher STEM Kits

November 2024

The Savannah River National Laboratory’s (SRNL) Education’s Outreach Program has FREE STEM kits for teachers. 

We understand the value of hands-on experiences in sparking lifelong interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). We’d love to deliver STEM kits for your classroom that provide the materials for each student and lesson plan. These kits can be used at your discretion throughout the school year.

Register here for a STEM kit to be delivered to your school. Your students will do an activity to model half-life using pennies. All supplies and lesson plan included. Available to 6-12th grade students.

STEM Demonstration Classroom Teach-Ins

A Friday in October 2024

Attention Educators: Savannah River National Laboratory’s (SRNL) Education Outreach Program will send an SRNL volunteer to come to your classroom in the CSRA for a one-hour STEM demonstration on a Friday in October. Available to K-12 classrooms.

Spaces are limited and filled on a first come, first served basis. We also consider the distance to your school. Only schools within the CSRA are eligible to make a request. We will do our very best to place a volunteer with your classroom. Volunteers will come for about an hour, or one class period, for the demonstration. If the volunteer can/would like to stay longer, they will communicate the time with you.

Register here.

STEM That Travels

October 2024 (Also, available throughout the year)

Looking for STEM Experts? Classroom Demonstrations? Science Fair Judges? Mentors? Career Presentations?

Education Outreach Programs at the Savannah River Site (SRS) invites you to request SRS STEM experts for your next event.

The “STEM That Travels” program by Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS) is an exciting initiative aimed at bringing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education to K-12 students in the Central Savannah River Area.

Expert Engagement: SRS STEM experts are available to attend events, explain STEM concepts, conduct demonstrations, mentor students, judge competitions, and provide career information.

Hands-On Learning: By conducting STEM demonstrations and experiments, these experts make science come alive in K-12 classrooms.

Career Inspiration: The program emphasizes careers critical to the Department of Energy (DOE) mission, aiming to spark students’ interest in these fields.

Educational Partnerships: SRS experts collaborate with educators to build a pipeline of college and career-ready students, ensuring they graduate with the technical skills needed for a capable workforce.

Please complete this form if you would like to request a SRS expert for your next STEM event.

STEM Career Connections®

A pre-recorded video showcasing a variety of local job opportunities in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, cybersecurity/information technology, nuclear, and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning). It aims to help high school students explore diverse career paths, regardless of whether they hold a high school diploma or advanced degrees.

STEM Career Connections®

October 28 – November 15, 2024
(3-weeks to show video to students)

FREE Virtual Event (pre-recorded video)

GA/SC regional high school students considering a career pathway that involves science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills.

Pre-recorded video of local industry professionals discussing career & education pathways. Students will gain valuable insights into the diverse career pathways, regardless of whether they hold a high school diploma or advanced degrees.

Industries featured in the video include Busby’s Heating & Air Conditioning (Trade Skills) – Cross Link Consulting (Cybersecurity/Information Technology) – Keen Signs & Graphics (Manufacturing) – Piedmont Augusta (Healthcare) – Savannah River National Laboratory (Nuclear)

* Discover local companies.
* Get behind-the-scenes tours.
* Learn about exciting career paths.
* Gain valuable career advice.

Video link and post event survey link given to educators. Information and details will be coordinated through educators.


Click here for event flyer.

CHANCE TO WIN A PRIZE: All students and educators who watch the video and complete the post-event survey will be entered for a chance to win an APPLE WATCH!

Many thanks to our sponsors.

Nutrien – Savannah River Mission CompletionSavannah River National LaboratorySavannah River Nuclear Solutions – SRS Community Reuse Organization 

Aiken Technical College – Applied Research CenterAugusta Technical CollegeSouthern Nuclear

Busby’s Heating & Air – Cross Link Consulting – Keen Signs & Graphics – Piedmont Augusta

For more information and details, contact Kim Saxon at 

Site Visit Days

Discover the innovation and technology that drive our region’s success. The in-person and virtual behind-the-scenes tour offers a unique opportunity to learn about the latest industry trends and gain valuable insights.

Savannah River National Laboratory Behind the Science Virtual Tour

Thursday, October 17, 2024 & Thursday, November 14, 2024
9:00 am – 10:30 am (TEAMS Virtual Meeting)

Explore the world of opportunity at Savannah River National Laboratory during a unique virtual tour designed for CSRA students in grades 6-12!

The Savannah River National Laboratory is giving CSRA students the opportunity to look Behind the Science and learn about the many opportunities at the lab

Embark on an extraordinary tour without leaving your classroom. Our virtual tours take students on an immerse adventure, exploring scientific wonders and business functions from the comfort of their seats. Students will hear from scientists, a meteorologist, a drone scientist, and a finance representative.

Students will have an opportunity to participate in a live question and answer session with each member.

October 17, 2024: Register here for a Teams calendar invite. Available for grades 6-12

November 14, 2024: Register here for a Teams calendar invite. Available for grades 6-12.

Southern Nuclear Plant Vogtle Site Tour

7821 River Rd, Waynesboro, GA 30830

The Vogtle Energy Education Center will be conducting limited site visits at Plant Vogtle which will include nuclear 101 education, driving tours of the site, and hands-on activities relating to power production and nuclear energy.

Monday, October 21, 2024
Homeschool Group Tour

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
University of South Carolina Aiken Center for Lifelong Learning Tour 1 (Morning) & Tour 2 (Afternoon)

Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Dublin, Georgia High School Tour

Thursday, October 24, 2024
Twiggs County High School Tour

Friday, October 25, 2024
Duke University Engineering Tour

Contact Joel Leopard at or Mike McCracken at for more information. 

Savannah River Site Virtual Field Trip

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
October 21. 22, 23, 24, 25, 2024

Also, available throughout the year!

I Spy Math in Nature
Presented by: Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS) & Ruth Patrick Science Education Center (RPSEC).

SRNS Education Outreach invites you and your students on a virtual field trip to explore math in nature in the forests of the Savannah River Site! Use your 5 senses to explore shapes, solve math problems, and observe changes in nature!

Complete a short form here to receive a link to the virtual field trip, student worksheet, teacher key, and vocabulary terms within 1-3 business days.

In the Beam, Science in the Fast Lane
Created for Virtual Reality, take a video journey with us as we follow a sample through a mass spectrometer. The recreation of the instrument in the video was produced from a laser mapping inside a mass spec used in Savannah River National Laboratory. R&D Engineering, imaging robotics engineers created the experience.

Attention Educators: To provide the virtual experience of the atomic world inside mass spectrometers to students, teachers may complete a short form here at to receive a free video and educator’s guide.

“Feathers in the Forest” Come On! Get on the Bus!
Joining our team as ecologists, you will assess two different forests to determine which forest meets the habitat requirements of the endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCW). Experience up-close SRS conservation efforts by the US Forest Service as they work to preserve the RCW’s home.

Attention Educators: For keys to the bus, complete the short form here.

“Wet Wonders” Come On! Get on the Bus!
Your journey takes you to on a “Wet Wonders” adventure at SRS to study biotic factors that determine the health of a pond.

Attention Educators: For keys to the bus, complete the short form here. Upon submission, within 1-3 business days, you will receive a link to the video, and a Student Activity Sheet with Answer Key.

“A Trip Down Under”
Discover the science of soil and the mysteries beneath our feet as students take A Trip Down Under at the Savannah River Site.
Investigate soil, layer by layer, in the Sandhills Region of the Carolinas and Georgia, learn of weathering and the role it plays in soil creation, understand the effects of soil quality on the characteristics of an ecosystem, take a look at how the earth’s materials, as natural resources, are used for common products in society and learn of an archeological find at the Savannah River Site that remembers history through an artist known as “Dave.”

Click here to request the free resource that includes Student Activity Guide and Teacher Answer Key.

Savannah River Site Educator Site Tour (CANCELLED)

Thursday, September 26, 2024

(Invitation Only)

Educators will participate in a site tour of the Savannah River Site (SRS) located in Aiken, SC

Savannah River Site University Site Tour

Thursday, October 24, 2024

(Invitation Only)

Students from Duke University will participate in a site tour of the Savannah River Site (SRS) located in Aiken, SC.

They will learn about nuclear engineering, nuclear research and the history of SRS.

Savannah River Site Student Site Tour

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

(Invitation Only)

Students will participate in a site tour of the Savannah River Site (SRS) located in Aiken, SC.


Annual Edward Teller Lecture

Hosted by the Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness, this annual event brings the nuclear community together to honor the Fred C. Davidson Distinguished Scientist Award winner, the Nuclear Service Award winner, and numerous educator and student award recipients. Attendees will also hear from a leading expert in the nuclear field.

Annual Edward Teller Lecture 

Thursday, October 24, 2024
Columbia County Exhibition Center
212 Partnership Dr, Grovetown, GA 30813

5:00 pm – 6:30 pm (public receptions and nuclear technology expo)
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm (dinner, lecture and award ceremony)

Hosted by the Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA)

The 33rd annual Edward Teller Lecture is an opportunity for members of the public to come learn more about the current advances in nuclear technology as well as see pioneering scientists awarded for their efforts in the industry. This event will also recognize CNTA’s award winners.

Distinguished guest speaker is John B. Williams. He is the Senior Vice President of Technical Services and External Affairs for Southern Nuclear Operating Company. In this role, John is responsible for several functions: Regulatory Affairs (including Security and Emergency Preparedness), Fleet Outage Services, Fleet Capital Projects, External Affairs & Communications and Southern Nuclear Services which includes supporting new nuclear programs domestically and internationally.

Tickets are required (limited seating)

Click here to purchase tickets (deadline October 11, 2024)

Other Activities

Mark your calendars! There are exciting activities, including trivia night, virtual jeopardy game, festivals, high school essay contests, educator grants, breakfast events, museum tours, and more.

CNTA Up & Atom Breakfast

Thursday, September 12, 2024
7:30 am

Newberry Hall, 117 Newberry St SW, Aiken, SC 29801

Topic: The Regulator, the Reactor, and a Whole Set of Reports: Licensing Advanced Reactor Technology for Domestic Deployment.

Speaker: Mr. Travis Chapman, Director, Regulatory & Licensing, BWXT

RSVP & Tickets Required (Deadline September 9, 2024)

Click here to purchase tickets.

Hosted by Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA)

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 (POSTPONED)
7:30 am

Newberry Hall, 117 Newberry St SW, Aiken, SC 29801

Topic: Savannah River National Laboratory and the Advanced Manufacturing Collaborative

Speakers: Dr. Vahid Majidi & Dr. Daren Timmons

RSVP & Tickets Required (Deadline October 4, 2024)

Click here to purchase tickets. 

Hosted by Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA) 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024
7:30 am

Newberry Hall, 117 Newberry St SW, Aiken, SC 29801

Topic: Apprenticeship School & Pipeline Programs of Savannah River Nuclear Solutions and Workforce Opportunities in Regional Careers

RSVP & Tickets Required (Deadline November 15, 2024)

Click here to purchase tickets.

Hosted by Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA)

Atomic City Festival 

Friday, November 22, 2024 
Saturday, November 23, 2024 

200 N. Main Street, New Ellenton, SC 29809

The Atomic City Festival is a family fun event filled with lots of activities.

* DJ Jammin James
* Karaoke
* CSRA Cornhole
* Food Trucks
* Vendors
* Carnival Rides
* Buck & Duck Car Show
* Show & Shine Awards
* Fireworks
* And much more!!

For more information, contact the New Ellenton City Hall at 803-652-2214

CNTA Oyster Roast & Low Country Boil (CANCELLED)

Saturday, October 12, 2024
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Palmetto Golf Club – 275 Berrie Rd SW, Aiken, SC 29801

Indulge in delicious oysters and low country boil catered by Blue Collard.

Live music by Keith Gregory along with live raffle drawings and more!

Tickets required. $50 per person

Click here to purchase tickets. (Deadline October 1, 2024)

Email if you have any questions.

Hosted by the Citizens for Nuclear Technology (CNTA) Awareness Young Professionals Committee. This event supports CNTA’s young professional and education outreach program.

Boy Scouts Nuclear Science Merit Badge (POSTPONED)

Saturday, October 5, 2024
9:00 am – 1:00 pm

224 Laurens St. SW, Aiken, SC 29801

Join Savannah River Site Museum professional staff and merit badge counselors to earn your Nuclear Science Merit Badge.

Cost: $25 non-refundable
Bring: Pen or Pencil. Laptop, Tablet, or Smartphone. BLUE CARD, Class B Uniform acceptable.
Class Size: Limited to 22 Scouts

Pre-requisite (complete prior to day of class): None
Post-requisite (complete after the day of class with your Scoutmaster): None

Scouts from any troop can register here.

CNTA Nuclear Science Week Newspaper Insert

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Nuclear Science Week is significant to the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) region. This community is at the forefront of important scientific advances, and Nuclear Science Week provides the perfect opportunity to celebrate and learn.

The Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA) will coordinate a special newspaper insert for the Aiken Standard, showcasing how nuclear technology and our region’s efforts contribute to a safer world.

This insert will be available in print form and the digital copy will be available for free. It will be found here. 

Savannah River Site Museum Fall Fission Festival

Saturday, October 19, 2024
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

224 Laurens St. SW, Aiken, SC 29801

The Savannah River Site Museum’s Fall Fission Festival celebrates the importance and excitement of science by highlighting local exhibitors with hands-on STEM activities along with giveaways and prizes at each station. A mad scientist will perform experiments, food trucks will offer delicious treats, and a DJ and folk group will provide entertainment.

We encourage children to wear Halloween costumes and participate in our costume contest for fun prizes. Inside the museum will be a quiet zone where children can read science-related books.

“Let’s Get Radioactive!” Virtual Jeopardy Game

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 
October 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2024  

The game is available throughout the year!

The Savannah River Site Women in Nuclear has a fantastic educational virtual jeopardy game.

“Let’s Get Radioactive!” Jeopardy Game

The game has 5 categories of questions and answers:
1. Radiation
2. Fact or Fiction
3. Medical Uses
4. Radiation in Home & Workplace
5. Avoiding Radiation

Each category has a point range from 100-500. Person/team selects the category and the point range they would like then answers the question. The person/team with the highest points at the completion of the round wins Nuclear Jeopardy.

Click here to start the game!

Nuclear Trivia Night

Thursday, November 7, 2024
Cafe Scientifique, 203 Laurens St SW, Aiken SC 29801

Door open and dinner begin at 6:00 pm, with the trivia beginning around 6:30 pm and lasting 60-90 minutes.

The American Nuclear Society Savannah River is hosting a Nuclear Trivia Night in celebration of Nuclear Science Week.

Anyone with a keen interest in nuclear history, science, or details, along with their friends and family, should definitely attend! Some questions will be scored based on when a team locks in an answer as more hints are given.

The cost is $5 at the door if you plan to have pizza, snacks, and/or soft drinks. Cash preferred. There is a donation-driven bar with proceeds supporting the section’s Benjamin Scholarship. Prizes will be awarded to the winning team. The trivia questions range from pop culture to historical events to hard science, so all ages and backgrounds welcome!

Click here to sign up.

If you have any questions, please contact Graham Jones at  

Savannah River Site Museum

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 
October 23, 24, 25, 26, 2024  

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

224 Laurens St SW, Aiken, SC 29801

Admission is free.

Established to preserve and interpret the technological and scientific achievements, the social impacts, and the ecological accomplishments of the Savannah River Site, the SRS Museum (SRSM) shares the history and scientific accomplishments of a region indelibly changed by science.

The SRSM tours cover the Site’s pre-federal history, the production era of SRP, along with the ecological and legacy management presently underway.

Free guided tours are available upon request (we ask that groups call ahead to schedule).

Email at or call 803-648-1437 for more information.

Teaching Radiation, Energy and Technology Workshop

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
October 16, 17, 18, 2024  

Allendale Courthouse – JW Wall Jr. Council Chambers, Allendale, SC 29812

With a focus on Teaching Radiation, Energy and Technology (TREAT), the semi-annual TREAT workshops bring experts into communities near the Savannah River Site (SRS) to provide education twice a year. During the summer, TREAT workshops are designed for educators, and fall workshops are dedicated to community leaders. TREAT workshops are developed through an environmental justice grant by the Department of Energy (DOE) Environmental Management office at SRS. DOE partners with Savannah State University.

At the October 2024 workshop, the Savannah River Site Community Reuse Organization (SRSCRO) will provide information about ways to enter regional careers using resources from the WORC* grant program, with a focus on nuclear industry careers. A University of South Carolina Salkehatchie representative will speak about K-12 STEM programs available in rural regions of South Carolina through the WORC-funded grant, including a virtual reality demonstration with a focus on nuclear technology in action.

*WORC stands for Workforce Opportunities in Regional Careers. WORC is a grant program administered by the Savannah River Site Community Reuse Organization.

CNTA Educator Grant Program

Want up to $500 for STEM Classroom Projects?

The Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA) developed the Educator Grant Program as an alternative to its classroom and field trip experiences for teachers. The program is an opportunity to support local teachers in their classrooms and give them the resources to develop projects or enhance their student’s experience with science and technology.

The grants can be used to fund a project in any area of science or technology; however, proposals that promote an increased understanding of atomic and nuclear fundamentals, radiation and nuclear materials safety, and applications of nuclear technology will be given extra consideration

Eligibility: K-12 teachers in the South Carolina counties of Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Edgefield, and Orangeburg; and in the Georgia counties of Columbia, Richmond, and Burke are invited to submit proposals. Teachers who are members of CNTA are also eligible to apply regardless of the school’s location.

Application MUST be received by CNTA by close of business on February 28, 2025

Completed application should be sent by email to & 

A return email will be sent within 2 business days of application receipt. In the subject line, type “CNTA Educator Grants Program.” Original copies should be kept for your records. 

Click here for the application packet, flyer and information on the 2025 Educator Grant Program available in October 2024. 

Deadline: February 28, 2025.

CNTA High School Essay Contest

WIN UP TO $1,000!

The Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA) 18th Annual High School Essay Contest aims to enhance high school students’ understanding of nuclear technology. Additionally, it encourages the development of essential written communication skills, crucial for success in both education and the workforce.

Open to all high school juniors and seniors in South Carolina, as well as students from the Georgia counties of Burke, Columbia, and Richmond. Homeschoolers and children of CNTA members can also apply, regardless of their school district.

Contest Criteria:
Write a 1,500 word essay on one of the following three topics:

1. There are numerous applications of nuclear technology in the medical industry, such as radioisotopes for medical diagnosis or therapies. Some of them have been around for many years, and other are being developed. Discuss at least two (2) uses of nuclear technology in medicine and their impact.
2. Explain what spend nuclear fuel is and the pros and cons of the United States having one central interim repository for these materials. *
3. How is the United States’ security linked to comprehensive deterrence? What role does our nuclear deterrence play in our overall security and how are we working to enhance our global position?

* Three special awards of $500 each will be given to the top entries written on topic #2.


Click here for the application and information on the 2025 High School Essay contest available in October 2024.

Deadline: February 28, 2025.

Education Activities Throughout the Year

Explore a range of engaging activities designed to support educators and enhance student learning to include outreach programs, site tours, student programs, classroom visits by subject matter experts, classroom lesson plans and more.

Savannah River Site Education Outreach Programs

The United States Department of Energy Savannah River Operations Office (DOE-SR) provides a variety of science and literacy outreach programs at the Savannah River Site (SRS) by funding and coordinating the efforts of several organizations. These organizations include the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL), US Forestry Service- Savannah River, and Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC (SRNS). The primary goals of these outreach programs are to enhance interest in science, mathematics, engineering and technology and to support improvements in education in the Central Savannah River Area by using the unique resources available at the Site. We believe business, industry, government and the education community must work together as partners to improve the educational opportunities for all students in our region.

In partnership with education institutions, the Savannah River Site offers:

* Hands-on programs for precollege students and teachers.
* Unique research opportunities for post-secondary students and faculty at the Savannah River Site.
* Various workshops, tours, lectures and demonstrations that promote science, mathematics, engineering and technology.

To learn more about the many programs offered click here.

* Science Technology Enrichment Program (STEP) Field Trips  
* Career Fairs 
* College Night
* Savannah River Regional Science Bowl
* Discover Engineering

Click here to view the timeline of the education outreach programs.

Savannah River Ecology Laboratory Outreach Program

Discover the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) Outreach Program: Connecting Community and Ecology.

At the SREL, our Outreach Program is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of ecology and environmental sciences among communities and schools.

All Programs Feature Live Plants and Animals.

At the heart of our outreach efforts are live demonstrations with plants and animals, offering an up-close and personal experience with nature. These interactions emphasize the importance of biodiversity and the role each organism plays in our ecosystems.

For Schools, Informal Learning Groups, and Homeschooling Families: Interested in hosting an Ecotalk or visiting SREL Conference Center for the Ecologist for a Day program? Click on the program listed below to learn more.

Special Events: Want SREL at your event? Check out our special event requirements by clicking on the program listed below.

Ecotalks: Bringing Ecology to Your Doorstep
What We Offer: Our outreach staff visits community centers, schools, and public venues, delivering engaging talks on various ecology and environmental science topics.
Experience: Engage in lively discussions and interactive sessions that illuminate the importance of ecological research and environmental stewardship.

Ecologist for a Day: Hands-On Field Experience
Program Overview: Tailored for school-aged children ages 6 years old on up, this field program offers a unique opportunity to step into the shoes of an ecologist.
Activities: Participants engage in real-world ecological studies, experiencing firsthand the work that goes into understanding and preserving our natural world.

Exhibits: Bringing Nature Closer
Event Participation: SREL attends special events, showcasing live plants and animals to educate and inspire the community about local ecosystems.
Interactive Learning: Our exhibits provide a hands-on learning experience, helping attendees connect with nature and understand the significance of environmental conservation.

Ruth Patrick Science Education Center

Infusing a Love for Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics

The Ruth Patrick Science Education Center (RPSEC) is a cooperative effort between the USCA, business, industry, the South Carolina Department of Education, and schools in the Central Savannah River Area of South Carolina and Georgia. 

Its programs challenge the present and inspire the future to effect systemic change in science, mathematics, technology, and environmental education. Its hands-on approach to teaching is designed to help people experience the beauty, order, and power of science and mathematics, as well as the interest and fun of discovery.

To promote lifelong learning and empower individuals to make informed decisions, the Ruth Patrick Science Education Center uses innovative methods to influence the quality of science and mathematics education, models effective instruction and enhances students’ and teachers’ knowledge.

Click here to learn more.

Plant Vogtle Energy Education Center

Plant Vogtle is located in Burke County, Georgia. Dive into the fascinating world of electricity and energy at the Vogtle Energy Education Center. Expand your students’ minds with “in-class field trips” facilitated by Southern Nuclear Energy Education Center staff who bring an informative and educational approach to learning about nuclear energy and power production.

If you would like to schedule a site tour or informative presentation for your school group, civic group or other groups, please contact the Vogtle Energy Education Center staff at

Click here to take a virtual tour.

STEM That Travels Program

Looking for STEM Experts? Classroom Demonstrations? Science Fair Judges? Mentors? Career Presentations?

An ongoing Savannah River Nuclear Solutions (SRNS) partnership with the University of South Carolina Aiken Ruth Patrick Science Education Center brings the “STEM That Travels” program to K-12 students in the Central Savannah River Area.

The “STEM That Travels” program by SRNS is an exciting initiative aimed at bringing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education to K-12 students in the Central Savannah River Area.

Expert Engagement: SRS STEM experts are available to attend events, explain STEM concepts, conduct demonstrations, mentor students, judge competitions, and provide career information.

Hands-On Learning: By conducting STEM demonstrations and experiments, these experts make science come alive in K-12 classrooms.

Career Inspiration: The program emphasizes careers critical to the Department of Energy (DOE) mission, aiming to spark students’ interest in these fields.

Educational Partnerships: SRS experts collaborate with educators to build a pipeline of college and career-ready students, ensuring they graduate with the technical skills needed for a capable workforce.

Please complete this form if you would like to request an SRS expert for your next STEM event.

Nuclear Related Subject Matter Experts

Need a subject matter expert to help in your classroom? 

The Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness (CNTA) has speakers available that can come to your classroom to discuss atomic and nuclear fundamentals, nuclear energy, nuclear technologies and applications, careers in nuclear, and a wide range of other topics. We also conduct hands-on demonstrations and activities.

CNTA can provide experts on a wide range of topics for your classroom. 

Available topics include:

* How Radiation is Measured and How Exposure is Safely Controlled
* The Applications of Radiation
* Nuclear Fundamentals
* Nuclear Technology Applications
* Regional Nuclear Technology Uses
* Career Opportunities in Nuclear

Please contact CNTA at to schedule a speaker on one of these topics or to discuss other potential topics.

Fundamentals of Nuclear Science Classroom Lesson Plans

Nuclear Science Week endeavors to provide a rich assortment of curriculum assistance. There are many activities ready to use in your classroom available at all levels of education (Elementary, Middle School, High School).

Energy Solutions Foundation has provided a number classroom lesson plans, which will provide you with step-by-step ways to teach the fundamentals of nuclear science.

Lesson plans include:

* Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Oh My!
* Atomic Nucleus
* Calculate Your Radiation Dose
* Detecting Radiation in Our Radioactive World
* Estimate Your Personal Annual Radiation Dose
* Fission Game
* How Much Radiation
* Mock Senate
* Navigating Nuclear: Energizing Our World
* NAYGN’s Global Fuel Cycle Game 
* Nuclear Clean Air Facts
* Nuclear Popcorn
* Nuclear Wall Chart
* Perception of Risk
* Radioactive Decay
* Radioactive Decay Chains
* Radioactive Waste Disposal
* Safe and Reliable Nuclear Energy
* Tearing Through a Half-Life

Click here for details on activities that are ready to use in your classroom.

Nuclear Science Classroom Resources

There is a collection of websites and resources on activities centered on nuclear science. Available for all levels of education (Elementary, Middle School, High School, College).

The website and resources include:

* American Nuclear Society
* American Society of Radiologic Technologies
* Atomic Archive
* Back to School with Nuclear Energy
* Health Physics Society
* How Stuff Work: Nuclear Medicine
* Interactive Isotopes App
* International Atomic Energy Agency
* Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: Energy Flow Charts
* Mapping How the United States Generates It’s Electricity
* Nuclear Energy Institute Newsroom
* Nuclear Science Activity Book 
* Radtown USA
* U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Student’s Corner
* US Department of Energy

Click here for details on the website and resources.


Community Activities Throughout the Year

Participate in a range of enriching activities designed to connect and enhance our community. Explore museum tours that delve into the history of the Savannah River Site and discover how these efforts transformed Aiken, Barnwell, and Allendale Counties, nearby cities, and played a crucial role in winning the Cold War. Also, go on the Savannah River Site public tour to gain a deeper understanding of the Department of Energy’s facilities, missions, and workforce. 

Savannah River Site Museum 

The Savannah River Site Museum is located at 224 Laurens St SW, Aiken, SC 29801 and is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Admission is free.

Established to preserve and interpret the technological and scientific achievements, the social impacts, and the ecological accomplishments of the Savannah River Site, the SRS Museum (SRSM) shares the history and scientific accomplishments of a region indelibly changed by science.

The SRSM tours cover the Site’s pre-federal history, the production era of SRP, along with the ecological and legacy management presently underway.

Free guided tours are available upon request (we ask that groups call ahead to schedule).

Email at or call 803-648-1437 for more information.

Savannah River Site Public Tour Program

In 2024, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC will offer the public twenty-three driving tours of Savannah River Site (SRS), as well as two walking tours of the site of the historic former city of Ellenton, providing openings for approximately 850 members of the public.

All tours will begin at the Savannah River Site Badge Office. (see attached map) Guests will be given an overview presentation, safety and security briefing and driving tour of the site. The Mission Related Public Tours will include a general site driving tour along with a visit to the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL). At SREL, visitors will get an overview of the ecology lab’s history and mission and get an up-close view of animals that are native to the Savannah River Site.

Due to high demand, there will again be eight Historic Tours available in 2024! In addition to four tours that will stop at the Dunbarton Town site, we will offer four tours that will be going to the Ellenton Town site. All Historic tours also include a tour of the SRS Curation Facility and a driving tour of C Reactor. For an in-depth dive into the history of the Savannah River Site to supplement your Historic Tour, consider planning a visit to the SRS Museum located in downtown Aiken. Admission is free and the museum is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00 am to 4 pm.

For reference, the Dunbarton Tours will be held in March and the Ellenton Tours will be held in October.

Site tours provide an opportunity for those interested in SRS to better understand the Department of Energy’s facilities, missions, and workforce that changed the face of Aiken, Barnwell and Allendale Counties, nearby cities and helped win the Cold War. Guests will also learn about facilities supporting current and future missions of the Savannah River Site for both Environmental Management and the National Nuclear Security Administration.

All tour participants must register separately as each participant will be asked to provide their Social Security Number beforehand for enhanced security purposes. The Site Tour Coordinator will call each participant individually for that information. If you choose not to provide the information, you will not be allowed to participate in the tour.

Click here to see the 2024 public tour dates and additional information.  If no internet access is available, individuals may call 803-952-8994 for assistance.

Local Scholarship & Training Opportunities

Workforce Opportunities in Regional Careers (WORC) scholarships, available in varying amounts, are offered at six local educational institutions: Augusta University, Augusta Technical College, Claflin University, Aiken Technical College, University of South Carolina Aiken, and University of South Carolina Salkehatchie. These scholarships are designed to support programs that provide opportunities for local careers.

Local Scholarship and Training Opportunities

Building a Skilled Workforce with Scholarships.

Workforce Opportunities in Regional Careers (WORC) scholarships are available in varying amounts at six area educational institutes Scholarships focus on programs that provide opportunities for local careers.

Below are the six area educational partners offering scholarship and training opportunities:

* Aiken Technical College
* Augusta Technical College
* Augusta University
* Claflin University
* University of South Carolina Aiken
* University of South Carolina Salkehatchie

Contact the educational institutions for more information.